4-2017 (October-December) Problems of school and university medicine and health

V.R. Kuchma, M.I. Stepanova, T.V. Shumkova, I.E. Aleksandrova, V.Yu. Ivanov Hygienic examination of innovative architectural and planning solutions of buildings for educational institutions. Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2017; 4: 4-14

P.I. Khramtsov Physiological and hygienic preconditions for increasing health-forming efficiency of physical education of children in educational organizations. Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2017; 4: 15-20

S.V. Orlova, Zh.Yu. Gorelova, A.A. Andreev, E.A. Nikitina, S.V. Goryainov, D.Yu. Akoyeva, Yu.V. Solovyova, T.A. Letuchaya Application of biologically active phospholipids in the correction of lipid metabolism in children with delayed mental development. Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2017; 4: 21-25

V.R. Kuchma, A.S. Sedova, E.D. Laponova, E.A. Bashurina Functional state of children’s organism in winter in yearround recreation and rehabilitation. Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2017; 4: 26-33

N.O. Berezina, M.I. Stepanova, I.P. Lashneva Features of physical development modern pre-schoolers. Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2017; 4: 34-39

S.V. Mikhaylova, E.A. Boltacheva, Y.G. Kuzmichev, V.N. Krylov, N.V. Zhulin Comparative evaluation of physical development and health of rural schoolchildren in nizhny novgorod region in 1946, 1968 and 2016. Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2017; 4: 40-50

Sh.M. Balayeva, N.G. Suleyman-zadeh Influence of new forms of learning on the physical development of junior children. Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2017; 4: 51-54

A.G. Platonova Еvaluation of frequency and duration of contact of preschoolers with toys for justification of safe conditions of their use. Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2017; 4: 54-57

The Plenum of the Scientific Council «Scientific foundations of hygiene and health care for children and adolescents in the system of primary and secondary professional education». Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2017; 4: 58-59

To the jubilee of academician of RAS A.G.Sukharev. Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2017; 4: 60-61