1-2019 (January-March) Problems of school and university medicine and health

V.R. Kuchma Development of the hygiene of children and adolescents at the research institute of hygiene and health of children and adolescents (on the 60th anniversary of the institute). Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2019; 1: 4-19

I.K. Rapoport, L.M. Sukhareva Eleven-year longitudinal observation: the prevalence and course of functional disorders and chronic disease among moscow schoolchildren. Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2019; 1: 19-27

M.I. Stepanova, N.O. Berezina, I.P. Lashneva. Hygienic assessment of innovative learning system in primary school. Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2019; 1: 27-32

E.I. Shubochkina, E.M. Ibragimova, V.Yu. Ivanov Hygienic aspects of professional education and labor activity of adolescents: health risks, reduction technologies. Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2019; 1: 32-40

Zh.Yu. Gorelova, A.V. Ivanenko, A.O. Petrenko, Yu.V. Solovieva, T.A. Letuchaya, S.Yu. Uglov. Modern approaches to the development of school food rations. Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2019; 1: 40-48

P.I. Khramtsov. Conceptual and methodological bases of diagnostics and prevention of disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children in educational institutions. Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2019; 1: 49-57

N.K. Barsukova, O.A. Chumicheva, P.I. Khramtsov, L.G. Nadjozhina. The scientific basis for ensuring the safety of children’s products. Problems of school and university medicine and health. 2019; 1: 58-63